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cara yang kedua bikin backlink.

yang ini aga ribet kawan.. pake html.. contonya:

You really give the right information that I am looking for. I found this blog post through Google and I love your contents here. Thanks for sharing such informative articles and I will make sure visit some other blog post on your websites to read more.
Thanks. <a href="">Leather Backpack</a> 
tuh ribet kan? harus bener: tau kawan.. 

pingin tau backlink?

pertama comment nih kaya gini..

I like the article you wrote here; it is very informative and useful for the internet users like me. I will come back to read more blog posts on your website and I have bookmarked your website as well
Thank You.
kalo udah, masukin link di..
I like the article you wrote here; it is very informative and useful for the internet users like me. I will come back to read more blog posts on your website and I have bookmarked your website as well
Thank You, Leather Backpack
tuh yang warna biru itu udah di kasih link..
jadi deh.. gampang  kan?

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